Images of The Invisible

I enjoy making wallpapers and I have a specific passion while doing them; that is, Soli Deo Gloria. Glory to God alone for everything. I make wallpapers to glorify my Creator and Sustainer and to remind me of important truths that have recently been burnt into my mind. If you would like a wallpaper, comment on the first post with the phrase you suggest as well as the visual elements you think should be utilised.

Most importantly however, do you know Christ? If you have ever lied, stolen anything or even looked with lust, you will be guilty before God Almighty on judgement day. As a righteous and holy God, He must punish you. You will be rightfully damned for eternity. However, God is also loving and merciful and so He has made a way of escape. Jesus Christ came to earth and lived a sinless life. He suffered and died on the cross where God lavished the wrath and anger that had been stored up for the sin that we have committed, on His son Jesus Christ (who is God incarnate - God in the form of a man). So now, we can recieve mercy for our sins if we repent (confess our sins and turn from them) and believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you have any questions about this, please email me...

NB: There are google ads on the side of this blog - please notify me if any of the links that you see are at all questionable (just email me: freaindeed (a) gmail [d0t] com)... Thankyou

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Images of The Invisible

Please note that I basically make these wallpapers for my specific screen resolution at the time of making (generally 1280*1024 or perhaps 1280*900), if you would like a different resolution when you request, please tell me. If you would like one of the wallpapers that are already uploaded modified for a different screen resolution, I can generally do it for you if you ask nicely :) (although sometimes it'll just look rubbish). If you feel the need to declare your immeasurable appreciation for any of the wallpapers, please say so int the form of how much undeserved grace you believe God has afforded me with regards to these things (i.e. please make sure you point glory in the right direction).

If you are making a request, use the following format;
Phrase: "Something amazingly profound" - Author's name and surname (if possible)
Colour Scheme: What the predominant colour should be and the colour of text (hex values couldn't hurt)... (I'll probably think about it and then ignore it anyway but please put it here)
Visual Elements: Explain what stuff you think should be there, weird flame things or fire, fog, planets... You get the idea...
Screen Resolution: [Optional - otherwise it'll probably be 1280*1024]

And just so that you know, I like the fonts "Cardinal Alternate", "Birth of a Hero" and "Times New Yorker" (among many others), I use Inkscape and The Gimp for all the production stuff. I like Charles Spurgeon and Jonathan Edwards and I'm a 100% 5 point calvinist, fundamentalist, right wing conservative, literal 6 day creationist, literal, grammatical, historical interpretive method and if you don't want division, just agree with me and there wont be any :). (and I may have a hint of dogmaticness, but I will gladly debate any of these issues with anyone)


SFAforester said...

Howdy! Came over from AiC. One of my favorite quotes would be from CT Studd, "Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bells, I want to run a rescue shop withing a yard of hell!" Although I can't find the word for word quote and if you wanted a verse...well sorry. I know I can come up with one of those too. This just stuck out quickly. ...and I have not creative bone in my body. ...and I use dual monitor, so can ya make it widescreen? :)

j3frea - the chief of all sinners said...

Now that's the sort of thing I wish a couple more people would say! What do you think of the wallpaper?